Maintenance Program

Maintenance is an essential need for your elevator to have a long life. An elevator maintenance program helps make it more reliable and efficient.
ANI Elevator provides a maintenance program as per the industry standard which is performed by highly trained engineers who audit and check your elevators health status, analyze data, and suggest the best package for your elevator.
Your elevators functioning largely depends on the smooth operation of all of its components that is why we test the parts thoroughly to keep an eye on material stability, endurance, and consistency in performance. We identify exactly what the problem with the components is and take corrective action accordingly.

Silver Maintenance Contract

    We ensure smooth Functioning of the elevator/lift providing
  • Service of the lift once in month.
  • 24/7/365 attend emergency breakdowns.
  • Safety inspection and quality audit once in a Quarter.
  • Safety Awareness programme of Elevator
  • Repair and Replacement of spare parts is in Customer Scope.
  • Gold Maintenance Contract

      We ensure smooth Functioning of the elevator/lift providing
  • Service of the lift once in month.
  • 24/7/365 attend emergency breakdowns.
  • Safety inspection and quality audit once in a Quarter.
  • Safety Awareness programme of Elevator
  • Some of Electrical and Mechanical spare parts included.
  • Diamond Maintenance Contract

      We ensure smooth Functioning of the elevator/lift providing
  • Service of the lift once in month.
  • 24/7/365 attend emergency breakdowns.
  • Safety inspection and quality audit once in a Quarter.
  • Safety Awareness programme of Elevator
  • All Electrical and Mechanical spare parts included except consumable items.